August 2023
An awareness of our past is essential to the establishment of our personality and our identity as Africans. This research is a cultural study of two communities living in two distant countries: The Luba people of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Zulu of Republic of South Africa. When...
Considérée dans toutes ses formes, la publicité est essentiellement une activité persuasive qui s’appuie sur les habitudes des individus afin de les amener à consommer un produit commercial donné. La persuasion publicitaire passe par la séduction et la représentation du rêve auquel le public...
Les ressources en eau constituent un enjeu indispensable pour la vie. Elles sont cependant, sous la menace de la dégradation des conditions climatiques. La variabilité climatique a en effet, profondément bouleversé le milieu naturel est particulièrement les ressources en eau. C’est face à cette...
This article explores the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to exacerbate or promote social inequities. AI, which replicates human intellect through technology, could impact global social dynamics significantly. Expert systems, voice recognition, natural language processing, and machine...
An important driver of growth and job creation, e-commerce enables instantaneous commercial transactions regardless of distances and borders. The objective of this work is to present the functioning of online commerce in the municipality of Cocody. Achieving this objective required the...
This research aims to: 1) determine the influence of Field Work Practices on readiness to face the world of work in SMK in Magelang Regency. 2) knowing the achievement of productive learning towards readiness to face the world of work in Vocational High Schools in Magelang Regency; 3) knowing...