February 2024
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented the world community with previously unheard-of difficulties in recent times. The extensive use of face masks is an essential component of the preventive measures put in place globally. Although masks have been shown to be effective in halting the spread of...
Fondée sur les équations simultanées, cette recherche a pour but de mesurer la contribution des IDE par rapport à l’industrialisation en Afrique. Les estimations économétriques portent sur vingt (20) pays de l’Afrique Subsaharienne et couvre la période de 2004 à 2014. Après avoir étudié le lien...
Considered as a system dating back to antiquity and serving only to harm a state, Economic Nationalism (EN) is taking on an exponential dimension in economic research and political debates. The purpose of this article is to show the importance of the EN in the current international economic...
One of how this can be obtained is by scrutinising their employees while discovering their skills and knowledge, which is essential in customers identifying themselves with a Brand. Therefore, this is known as employee branding, which has begun to unfold in affecting customers' choice of...
The study explores how of board structure affects the corporate performance in Nigeria. The study was conducted within the context of deposit money banks and data were gathered from the financial statement of listed DMBs in Nigeria for eleven years spanning from 2011 to 2020. The study employed...
Objectif: Évaluer l’incapacité fonctionnelle liée à la gonarthrose à Bouaké. Méthodes: Cohorte prospective à visée descriptive et analytique, sur une période de 18 mois, allant de Janvier 2019 à Juin 2020. 60 patients sélectionnés souffraient d'une gonarthrose...